Ancient Reenactment Society

 Imperium Antiquitus is a Historical Recreation club dedicated to the live history re-creation of ancient societies and civilization. We portray groups and people from Romans to Spartans, Celts, Egyptians, Amazons and Hittites to name just a few. We do this by taking a personae and dressing in the fashion of the times. We Feast, Fight, and perform arts and sciences of Ancient history.

 This is a continuation of a society first started in the early 1990's by members of various other reenactment clubs. From Duke to Knight in SCA, Adrian Empire, and many boffer clubs as well as performers and royals from the Rennaisance Festivals.  While we have chapters in other parts of the country and overseas ( Morning Calm is in Korea) we are primarilly in the Minnesota mn/ Wisconsin area. 

This website is a work in progress, please feel free to stroll around, contact us for more information either via the link below or here: [email protected]

Have comments? Concerns? something to share? e mail us here: